Specification & Properties

Types of Products, Characteristic and Application

The products are composed of various metal components and have various mechanical properties in accordance with design standard, depending on various sizes and uses, such as CQ,DQ, DDQ, EDDQ, Structural steel,HSS, AHSS and so forth.

Cold Rolled Mild Steel
Classification Specification Characteristic Application
Commercial Quality (CQ)
Used for the parts requiring bending & simple forming
Refreigerator Doors, Drums, Furniture
Drawing Quality (DQ) CSP2 Suitable for drawing parts Filter Housing
Deep Draw Quality (DDQ)
CSP3 Used for Deep drawing parts with good Drawability
Roofs, Fenders and Hoods of Automobiles
CSP3N Non Ageing quality used for Deep drawing parts with good Drawability
Extra Deep Draw Quality (EDDQ) CSP3E
Ultra Low Carbon Steel with excellent deep draw quality
Side Panels, Quarters of Automobiles, Fuel Tanks Automobiles
Super Extra Deep Draw Quality (S-EDDQ) CSP3X
Mechanical Properties
Grade YS Max (Mpa) TS Min (Mpa) EL Min %
CQ - 270 28
DQ 200 270 33
DDQ 190 270 36
EDDQ 180 265 44
S-EDDQ 170 265 46

Cold Rolled High Strength Steel

Classification Specification Characteristic Application
Bake Hardening Steel (BH)
This is high strength material in which yield strengh is increased after baking to become more dent resistance & higher formability
Automobile Outer panels like Hoods & Doors
HSLA (High Strength Low Alloy Steel)
This is High Strength Material manufactured by adding precipition hardening elements such as Ti, Nb to Low Carbon Steel.
Kinds of Member-Reinforcing Materials
Rephosphorised Steel
This is high strength steel manufactured by adding alloying elements such as Phosphorus (P) and Manganese (Mn).
Cowl, Wheel Appron, Front Side member
IF HHS Steel
This is ultra-low carbon steel with special elements such as Ti added. Used in automobile for high strength and deep drawability.
Outer Panels of Doors, Hoods and Fenders, etc.
Dual Phase (DP) CHSP60DP This is high strength and high formability properties by its duel phase structure consisting of micro ferrite & martensite. Kinds of Member-Reinforcing Materials
Mechanical Properties
Classification Grade Guaranteed Value YS Min (Mpa) TS Min (Mpa) EL Min %
Bake Hardening Steel
PCY180B YS 180 270 40
PCY210B YS 210 340 38
HSLA (High Strength Low Alloy Steel)
CHSP260Y YS 260 350 28
CHSP300Y YS 300 380 22
CHSP340Y YS 340 410 18
CHSP380Y YS 380 460 18
CHSP420Y YS 420 490 16
Rephosphorised Steel
CHSP35R TS 187 340 32
CHSPS40R TS 236 390 29
CHSPS45R TS 275 440 25
IF HHS Steel
CHSP35E TS 167 340 32
CHSP40E TS 206 390 27
CHSP45E TS 245 440 27
Dual Phase CHSP60DP TS 450 Max 590 24