Manufacturing Process

Top Notch Production Facilities
Classification POSCO Maharashtra PL-TCM
Date Of Operation June, 2014
Capacity (Ton/year) 1,800,000
Available Size
Thickness (mm) 0.17~2.30
Width (mm) 800~1,880
Weight (Ton) Max 35
Product Grade Commercial, Drawing, Deep Drawing, Extra Deep Drawing, Structural, High-strength Steel, AHSS (DP590)
Inner Diameter (mm) 508(20”)/610(24")


The hot-rolled coil is passes through the pickling line, where hydrochloric acid solution is used to remove surface scale for its smooth surface finish before further processing.

Cold Rolling

Cold Rolling mill is of 6Hi Mill with 5 stand. Pickled coils are rolled in to the as normal as temperature(under of the re-crystallizing temperature) in the tandem cold rolled mills where they are processed into a specified thickness.

Electrolytic Cleaning

the main purpose of Electrolytic cleaning is to be remove in the lubricant oil and dirts left on the cold rolled strip before annealing.

Top Notch Production Facilities
Classification POSCO Maharashtra CAL
Date Of Operation June, 2014
Capacity (Ton/year) 1,000,000
Available Size
Thickness (mm) 0.40~2.30
Width (mm) 800~1,860
Weight (Ton) Max 35
Product Grade Commercial, Drawing, Deep Drawing, Extra Deep Drawing, Structural, High-strength Steel, BH, AHSS (DP590)
Inner Diameter (mm) 508(20”)/610(24")


To obtain the desired grain structure and to improve the mechanical properties, the strip is passed through the (continuous annealing line) furnace, heating, soaking and cooling sections.


In order to improve the mechanical properties, suppress yield point elongation strip shape correction to secure the flat shape, is to be obtain desired roughness, the steel sheet should be passed through a skin pass mill.


The equipment at the exit section are composed surface defect detector, Inspection table and oiler equipment. The products are inspected as well as judged systematically, and whether such products are appropriate to a client company or not.